Monday, September 05, 2005

Guard honors Iraqi TV station (Turkmeneli Sat TV)

The 116th Brigade Combat Team presented a certificate of achievement to Turkmeneli television at an awards banquet July 30 in Kirkuk, Iraq, for having completed a successful year of broadcasting.The event was held at a garden area known as the Doctor's Club, across from the former Kirkuk Media Center.
The staff of Turkmeneli organized the event to commemorate its first anniversary of broadcasting from Kirkuk.It was attended by many local dignitaries and representatives from the 116th BCT.
"The brigade presented the station with a certificate of congratulations in a nice frame," said Col. Gordon Petrie, the 116th BCT information operations chief who attended the event. "The news manager was pleased that representatives from the brigade attended to honor their anniversary celebration."Fostering open communications and positive media relations in the province of Kirkuk is part of the mission of the 116th Brigade Combat Team while deployed in north central Iraq.
The unit's mission also includes assisting Iraq's new government, supporting economic development, and making Iraq more secure.